Showing posts with label APPS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label APPS. Show all posts

How to turn your Android Phone in Spy Cam

You can use your Android Phone as Spy Cam to monitor activities.  Google Play Store contains lots of Apps that can turn your Android phone into a Spy Cam but some Apps are total waste and also it’s tedious task to use them. Here are the simple steps that you need to follow


Step1Install IP Webcam App from Google Play Store [Link:]
Simply install IP Webcam App which is freely available over Google Play Store.

It turns your Android phone into a network camera which means you can have multiple viewing options. Also you can  view camera feed on any platform with VLC player or web browser. IP Webcam bundles with features like Motion detection with sound trigger, Tasker integration and Video chat support.

Step2: Open IP Webcam App and set the camera in position. Click on Start Server as shown below [See Screenshot]

Step3: How do I connect my Android Phone Camera to PC?
IP Webcam gives you two option to connect

  •  Using Mobile Internet Connection

If you are using Mobile Internet connection be careful! Both security wise and data charges wise. However you can set login and password to increase security [See screen shot]

  • Using Wi-fi Router

You can open the video stream to any computer  in your network by opening an ip address given by App if you click on I’m using Wi-fi Router option.
Step4: Open Browser and put IP address given to you by IP Webcam App
Enjoy :)
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How to Remove / Block / Bypass Online Survey Pop-Ups?

Internet is the most powerful place for every brand to advertise and promote there business. While many brands uses standard ways of advertisements (such as banner ads, text links, etc.) to promote their product/service, others use non-friendly, annoying cheap ways which force people to get engaged for their brand and promote their products.

Out of these annoying methods of advertisements, Online Survey Pop-Ups are one of the most used method. While surfing many websites or looking for your favorite software, games, songs, movies, etc. you might have encountered these annoying pop-ups that instantly appears over a webpage and don’t let you to view its content or do anything without completing the tasks mentioned in those surveysThese surveys are very annoying and sometimes, after completing your precious time and completing the surveys, you still don’t get access to the blocked content. So, if you don’t want to get stuck because of these survey pop-ups, these steps will guide you to permanently block these annoying pop-ups.
Step 1:

Step 2: 
Click on your Chrome’s menu button available at top-right corner and from “Bookmark” menu, click on “Show bookmark bar”.


Step 3:-
Now, from the website, click and hold the link says XJZ Survey Remover. Drag the link to your bookmark toolbar and drop the link there.
Step 4: 
Your bookmark is now saved. Its better to name this bookmark, if it hasn’t got one. So right click on your just-created bookmark and from the context menu, click Edit.
Step #5: Through the pop-up window, name this bookmark. Once done, just press “OK”.
Usage :-

On the webpage where surveys are appearing, click on this bookmark to run XJZ Survey Remover. It will automatically scan the webpage and remove the survey for you.
The bookmarklet also provide you option to manually remove the elements from the entire web-page which are blocking your access to the content. If you want to use XJZ Bookmarklet Remove on any other web-browser, you can either drag the bookmark or manually paste the bookmarklet code provided at the website to your manually created bookmark’s address field.

You can also install XJZ Survey Remover Add-on for Chrome browser which will automatically remove surveys from the webpage.
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5 Apps That Help to Enhance Your Inner Creative Genius

With the increasing popularity of Mobile terminals such as Smartphones and tablets, people are now looking for more and more applications to help them in the everyday life. While there are useful applications that are useful for managing, running businesses, making lists and organizing time, some applications would help you to develop your creative genius. Let’s see the most popular of those, to determine if those applications are good for you also.
Prezi is the best app that can be used for online presentations, as it would make you look like a star. Besides the possibility to organize and customize your presentation in any way you want, you can zoom in and out, and you can focus on certain texts or photos. It is just like having a camera that could jump from one photo to the other. The application is useful as it is, but it accepts PowerPoint presentations, so you could make those to look a lot better. It has the most impressive visual impact, and once you understand its functionalities, you will find it interesting and useful.

This application is perfect if you are a businessperson. It offers you the possibility to draw charts, graphs and to organize presentations, and to modify many aspects of the respective files. Practically, you can edit anything you like for any document, allowing you to give a professional image to the respective file. It also has collaboration features, so you could allow other persons to edit your documents using the respective program.
This tool allows you to create a website in minutes, having a nice and simple interface. Sure, you can’t create a virtual store with it, but it is perfect if you want to exercise your web design capabilities. You can add images, texts and codes to your website. It is also free, so you might want to try it just for fun.
Creativity Zoo
It is time to present a creativity app for kids, as they surely need it more than we do. The Creative Zoo allows the children to create their own animals, to feed them and to attract visitors. It is possible to invent new animals by combining body parts of different species, and it seems like this is the most attractive feature of the program.
Figr.Me is a drawing board that offers you all the tools needed to create images, paintings and original pictures. Starting from simple shapes, you can create complex drawings, and you can even share those with your friends. Give them access to your creations if you trust them, as it is possible to create collaboration drawings with this tool. The application is free, and this is the reason why it is so popular.
Those are only some ideas of creative apps, but you can find hundreds of resembling programs available for both Android and iOS, so you might feel free to browse them. Find the free versions of those programs, and buy the full versions if you really like them.
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How to create your first Hello World App for Android

What is Hello World App?
Well, a Hello World application or program may be considered as the most popular, the most fundamental and easiest programs in the world of programming languages. If you are interested in displaying a text, the beginners will love to program the language which displays the text ‘Hello World’. Yes, the most significant reason behind the use of this application is that it can also be used in the creation of non-text applications just like to light an LED. So, this programming language will teach you the basic operation of the syntax of any program and most important, the program is being executed properly. If you are interested in programming a language, starting with the Hello World may be a useful step for you at the beginning.
Requirement for the program setup
You can prefer the Windows 7 platform but it will work with any version of Windows.
Java Platform – JDK 6 Update 18
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers – v3.5 Galileo
Revision 4 in Android SDK tools
Steps to build your first Android App with Hello World
First of all, you need to create a brand new file of Android Project. Click on File, New and then Android Application.
It is the time to set the project properties like Project Name (Hello World); Application name (Hello World); Build Target (Android 2.1), package name ( and create activity (HelloWorld). Press Finish then.
It is the perfect time to write the much needed code which is already located in a derived file in the name of The layout file for your screen is main.xml and is available in the layout directory. Get active with the Layout mode. After clicking on ‘Hello World, Hello World’, select the option of Remove.
Drag a button to layout and edit the XML by clicking on ‘main.xml’. you will have to change this by ‘Click Me’ and Save the changes made.
You have to show something special when this button is pressed by the user. You need to import ‘android.widget.Button’ which can be done by the hotkey combination Ctrl-SHIFT-O after opening the file ‘HelloWorld.Java’ files.
You are then needed to add the appropriate code in line #5#6#10. In order to view the popup message, you will have to add the command to line #9
Now it is the show time. Just select the ‘Run > Run’. You will see the dialog box mentioned as ‘Run As’ and thereafter, you will have to select ‘Android Application’.
If you get an error in the name of Android AVD Error, you just need to click on ‘Yes’ option to get the brand new Android Virtual Device.
After selecting New, you will need to create new AVD in the options of Name (Android 2.1), Target (2.1 API Level 7) and SD Card Size (4000 MiB). After this, press on Create AVD and Run your application instantly.
In this way, you will be quite successful in creating the first Android application using the easiest programming language of Hello World. With time, you will learn to run more complicated programs.
Summary: – Hello World is a programming language which allows you to develop a program for your Android device. You can easily learn the codes and running methods of the applications through this language even if you are a beginner.
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ASKME – All in One App

Are you tired of searching for the things that you expect for? Are you feeling irritated to search the best things near your location? ASKME let you to do it so. You can get whatever you expect and whatever you need in just a few taps of your clicks. Stop Wondering. All you need to do is just to download the ASKME app in your mobile and access it.

ASKME offers you everything whatever you search for as the app is very popularly said as the Bapp of all Apps that houses enormous amount of details in terms of business with in your city. ASKME is affectionately said to be as “All in 1” app that allows you to search sellers and consumers and along with the listings that let you know about everything as they are classified as ads, best deals, buy instantly. Use can make use of this app conviniently any where and any time and also you can search for the places to eat, shop, drink, relax and play, and if you want to search for any other places for your to get out from the hustle and the bustle of the life, you can make of this ASKME app. The pride attractions and benefits of this fantastic app is that as you can get every seach all for free!!!
Suppose if you are looking for the places to getaway for a short time with your beloved one, for example if you want to go to the best café near your location and if you are looking for the perfect atmosphere that fits your budget, you can search these thing all in a single tap with the help of ASKME app. After finding the best café to make a visit with your lovable one, you can inspire your buddy and draws the attentions and make your buddy happy. ASKME app also let you to do it so.
If you are in looking for the best place to wet your tongue with the spicy mouth watering dishes, you can search for the best hotels that fits your budget and also you are offered with the best restaurants list as you expect for. So, now you don’t need to worry about all these things and also you can avoid wasting your time in terms of searching for the best things as you need.
Make use of this ASKME app and aslo you can suggest this app to your friends.
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Hi Friends, I'm SoNu, Currently living In Bhopal,India. I'm Student Of Computer Science and Engineering, a Computer Enthusiast and a Newbie Blogger.

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