If the website is not trustworthy or you don’t want to provide them your email address, one way is to create one of more separate email accounts that will handle these type of services. However, creating even one single email account at GMail, Yahoo!, Hotmail, etc. consume time and you need to fill a lot of details.
So, the best alternative is to use Temporary Email Account Providers. There are some great and free services around the internet which lets you to create temporary email accounts that will automatically get deleted after a limited time. You can create these emails by just mentioning email alias. No Password, Sign-Up required. Moreover, you can read/reply/compose emails also, within the given timeframe.
Today, I am sharing 5 best tools that can help you to easily create temporary email accounts. Have a look!
Similar to other temporary email services, TempInbox lets you generate temporary email account that will automatically get destructed after specified time. The best thing about this service is that even if you creates whatever@tempinbox.com (temporary email), you can use whatever@DingBone.com,whatever@FudgeRub.com,whatever@LookUgly.co m and whatever@SmellFear.com domains too. Emails sent to these all domains will end to your same whatever@tempinbox.com
After creating email account, you’ll be able to receive emails for that temporary email account from homepage of the site.
4. MailDrop
Save your inbox from spam. Use MailDrop when you don’t want to give out your real address. No signup required – MailDrop is free for anyone to use when you need a quick, disposable e-mail address.
The website has already protected users from over 570979 email spams by there high-quality service.
5. GuerrillaMail
Running permanently on HTTPS Secure servers, GuerrillaMail lets you to create Disposable TemporaryE-Mail Address for free. You can choose from a total of 9 domains for creating your temporary email accounts. All emails will be arrived at the site’s homepage. Not only this, you can also compose mail from your temporary emails and set up your password too.
So, friends stay away from spam mail, always use disposable mail service on those site you think which are not trustworthy & Keep visiting, thanks :-