How To Block Sites Using OpenDns

Have you ever wonder on how to sites on a particular computer, then you have reached the right place. This technique which we are going to see can be used to block websites, filter unwanted sites. This technique applies only for a individual computer.
1. First of all signup with After you signup go for “settings tab” where you can find the your home ip address. Select on your home IP address. After you signup it will allow you to choose with the different options.
step 3
2. Select your desired operating system and follow the steps. Follow the steps Here. In our tutorial we will follow the steps for windows 7. Go for Start -> Control Panel -> Network and sharing
step 4
 3. Then the active networks in your computer will be displayed. Choose the connection that you are connected to. Select the network and choose the “Properties” of the network

 4. All the properties your network will be displayed. In which you will have to choose ” Internet Protocol Address IPv4″ and change the preferred dns server. Then
7 8
 Then set the preferred DNS server as and the alternate DNS as
5. Then you will have to flush your dns. Go to command prompt and type ” ipconfig/flush “. Now test your connection. If everything goes correct you should see the picture as shown below.
Now login to your dashboard and select your ip address to do web filtering. For example you might want to block porn sites for your children at home for security purpose. Do custom web filtering and select the categories of your desired choice.
6. You can also add individual website such as ” ” or any other site in order to block their site. It will take a minimum for 3 minutes to take in effect. Now if we type after a couple of minutes, it gets blocked. Similarly we can block the other sites.

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