How to turn your Android Phone in Spy Cam

You can use your Android Phone as Spy Cam to monitor activities.  Google Play Store contains lots of Apps that can turn your Android phone into a Spy Cam but some Apps are total waste and also it’s tedious task to use them. Here are the simple steps that you need to follow


Step1Install IP Webcam App from Google Play Store [Link:]
Simply install IP Webcam App which is freely available over Google Play Store.

It turns your Android phone into a network camera which means you can have multiple viewing options. Also you can  view camera feed on any platform with VLC player or web browser. IP Webcam bundles with features like Motion detection with sound trigger, Tasker integration and Video chat support.

Step2: Open IP Webcam App and set the camera in position. Click on Start Server as shown below [See Screenshot]

Step3: How do I connect my Android Phone Camera to PC?
IP Webcam gives you two option to connect

  •  Using Mobile Internet Connection

If you are using Mobile Internet connection be careful! Both security wise and data charges wise. However you can set login and password to increase security [See screen shot]

  • Using Wi-fi Router

You can open the video stream to any computer  in your network by opening an ip address given by App if you click on I’m using Wi-fi Router option.
Step4: Open Browser and put IP address given to you by IP Webcam App
Enjoy :)
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Hi Friends, I'm SoNu, Currently living In Bhopal,India. I'm Student Of Computer Science and Engineering, a Computer Enthusiast and a Newbie Blogger.

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