Hi, Guys today I'm gonna teach you how to cut or remove unwanted section of a Video. Well first of all we'll see why we need to remove any section of a Video. In movies you see there are some Offensive and Violence scenes which we cant watch with our family and for this region we miss some good movies for some 2-3 minute adult scene. How good it will, if we can remove these scene.Yes we can remove any section of a video easily without any prior knowledge of Audio-Video encoding. We can use the pre-installed software Movie Maker on your Windows PC. All we have to do is just open the video file from Windows Movie Maker and cut unwanted sections of the video and save the video. But, Windows Movie Maker support only three videos format (.asf, .avi, .wmv).
If your video is not of these file formats then you first need to convert them from any good video converters and then proceed to cropping there sections from Windows Movie Maker. It has been found that converting videos decreases quality. Also, Windows Movie Maker takes too much time to load a video in timeline.